Captain Jack Woodville London, USA is “an internationally acclaimed author,
WWII historian and trial-attorney in Austin, TX. He is a graduate of the University of Texas Law School, and a former captain
in the US Army Quartermaster Corps. Jack’s foundation began when he was elected managing editor of the U.T International
Law Journal in 1970. Since then he has authored numerous technical articles and papers on various legal topics, and has spoken
at many legal programs both nationally and internationally. In 2003, Jack put aside legal writing to enroll in the prestigious
writing school of St. Céré, France where he graduated from among other esteemed writers. Jack has spent much
of his life exploring a deep interest in WWII and its effects on the home front—particularly small towns. His love for
writing and history united to produce his French Letters series of novels which have been internationally praised for their
meticulous historical research and ability to capture the language, attitudes, and moral culture of their setting.”
Jack Woodville London is the author of French Letters Book One: Virginia's War and French Letters: Engaged
in War.