If you course is a five unit
course, this assignment is for you! The book The Blue Nowhere
by Jeffery Deaver is a murder story with an interesting twist; the murderer is a
gamer and hacker, or perhaps, as you have learned in this course a cracker.
For this assignment, get a copy of Deavers book (Click on the image and you
will be magically taken to Amazon.com). After you have completed the other
readers, read Deaver. Submit, along with your final paper from module four a
4-6 page review of Deavers book.
Based on your studies:
Critique his history of the
Internet and the development of Internet related crime. What did he get
right? Did he get anything wrong?
Ignore most of the law
enforcement investigative tactics, etc. Deaver tells you he took license
there to make the story work. Explore the concept of social engineering as he
lays it out in the book. Do a little research, say 3 or 4 other academic
sources on social engineering. What is it? How does it work with computer
crime? How does it work with other crime? How can law enforcement combat it
and how do we use it?
Finally, use the Deavers book to
reflect back on your learning. How much of the book would have been foggy
to you if you hadnt taken this course?