Find a School
Department of
Criminal Justice
Minorities and
the Criminal Justice System
California State
University, Fullerton
Fall 2007
Raymond E. Foster, MPA
Thursday, 7PM to 9:45 PM
Office Hours: Thursday,
6PM to 7PM
Office Location: TBA
Office Telephone: 909.599.7530
Course Objectives:
This course provides an overview and discussion of the
themes and issues surrounding the relationship between minority groups and the
criminal justice system. The course focuses on overt, institutional and subtle
racism and discrimination and its relationship to the criminal justice system.
Subjects will include personnel and organizational policies, policing,
corrections, juveniles and the courts.
Learning Goals:
- Place the issues of race and gender in the criminal
justice system in a broader societal context by examining the historical
developments of race and gender issues.
- Explore the criminal justice system responses to
minority groups
- Understand the extent and differences in the nature and
cause of crime by and against minority groups.
- Develop an awareness and understanding of different
Required Readings:
following texts are available at the Titan Bookstore)
With Justice for All: Minorities and Women in
Criminal Justice, Janice Joseph, The Richard Stockton College of New
Jersey, Dorothy L. Taylor, University of Miami: 2003
ISBN No. 0-13-033463-4 / Prentice Hall
Multicultural Law Enforcement: Strategies for
Peacekeeping in a Diverse Society, 3/E Robert M. Shusta, Deena R.
Levine, Herbert Z. Wong, Philip R. Harris: 2005 ISBN No. 0-13-113307-1 /
Prentice Hall 2/e
following readings are available at the course website)
What is a Minority Group?
Based on Richard T. Schaefer, Racial and Ethnic Groups 5 - 10 (1993).
Creation and Consequences of Minority Group Status,
Based on Richard T. Schaefer, Racial and Ethnic Groups 18 34 (1993).
What is Race? Ian F. Haney Lopez, The
Social Construction of Race: Some Observations on Illusion, Fabrication, and
Choice, 29 Harvard Civil Rights-Civil Liberties Law Review 1-62, 6-7, 11-17
(Winter, 1994)
Language of Closet Racism: An Illustration,
Paul Gorski (2004)
Defining Race Racism and Racial Discrimination,
Vernellia R. Randall, Professor of Law, The University of Dayton, School of Law
Institutional Racism, Vernellia R. Randall,
Professor of Law, The University of Dayton, School of Law
Domestic Violence Handbook, U.S. Department
of Agriculture Safety, Health and Employee Welfare Division
What is Community Orientated Policing?,
Community Orientated Policing Services, Department of Justice
Course Requirements:
The following responsibilities apply to all students:
Attend class and take notes.
Read and prepare to discuss the assigned reading by the dates identified
in the course syllabus.
Prepare five reaction papers to subjects identified by the instructor.
Complete a project paper.
Prepare and deliver a presentation.
Complete a mid-term examination.
Complete the final examination.
Method of Evaluation:
Reaction Papers
25% (5% each)
A |
94-100% |
A- |
90-93% |
B+ |
87-89% |
B |
84-86% |
B- |
80-83% |
C+ |
77-79% |
C |
70-76% |
D+ |
67-69% |
D |
64-66% |
D- |
60-63% |
F |
Below 60 |
Website Presentation
Mid Term Examination
Project Paper
Semester Total

Additional Information:
Final Examination The
final examination will consist of two essay questions
and will be cumulative. Five potential final
questions, two of which will be the final examination, are listed on the course
website. Although this is not an open book test, students may use any notes
they took during class or while studying for the final examination. They must
be the students notes refer to the syllabus section on ethical conduct for
further information.
Extra Credit None.
Attendance - Within the
university setting, students are expected to attend class on a regular basis and
participate in topic discussion to enhance the overall learning experience. As
participation is directly related to attendance,
students missing four (2) class session will not receive any credit for
attendance/participation. Attendance will be recorded by a class
roster that will be passed among the students during each class. It is the
students responsibility to sign the roster.
Participation Credit
Participation is ten percent of the students final grade. Participation will
be measured by the use of a 1) student participation log; 2) attendance
recorded on a sign-in sheet; and, 3) participation in the online threaded
discussion. The participation log is available for download on the course
website. The students are expected to obtain the log and keep a record of their
participation. The log must be handed in at the time of the final; and, it may
be periodically requested by the instructor for review. Attendance will be
tracked by a sing-in sheet. It is the students responsibility to sign-in for
each class meeting. More information and hyperlinks to the threaded discussion
are available on the course website.
Project Paper -
Students will be required to write a typed, 5-7 page analysis of a course
related issue identified by the instructor. The student will have a choice of
ten issues which are listed on the course website. At a minimum, it is expected
that the students will produce an academically sound and properly formatted work
(APA format is strongly encouraged). The instructor will provide more
information concerning Issue Paper expectations during class. The papers are
graded on content as well as exposition.
Mid-Term Examination
The mid-term examination consists of 50 short answer, true/false and multiple
choice questions. It will cover all readings to the date indicated on the
syllabus; including supplemental web-based readings; and, lecture and PowerPoint
Website Presentations
Each student will be assigned to conduct a review of a specific website. They
will then provide a ten minute presentation on that website, as well as a
one-page briefing paper. The student shall provide a copy of the briefing paper
to each member of the class.
Reaction Papers
Students will be required to write five typed, 1-2 page reactions to subjects
identified by the instructor. The instructor will provide more information
concerning Issue Paper expectations during class. The papers are graded on
content as well as exposition. The due dates of the reaction papers are listed
on the syllabus and course website. Late papers will lose one letter grade per
week. Papers more than three weeks late will not be accepted.
Ethical Conduct -
Students should be aware that there are severe consequences for violations of
academic ethical conduct. Primarily, we are concerned with cheating and
plagiarism. Students who are determined to have cheated or committed plagiarism
will face disciplinary action as identified within CSUF regulations. For
additional clarification of cheating and/or plagiarism, refer to the CSUF
website or the instructor.
Website -
The course has
four companion websites. The first was developed and is maintained by the
instructor. At that website the students will find hyperlinks to the readings,
important course downloads (such as the syllabus and class log) and hyperlinks
to other course related multimedia presentations (such as PowerPoint
presentations, short videos, etc). The second website is the threaded
discussion forum. It is also linked off of the primary site. The third website
is the companion to the main text book. As part of the course orientation, the
websites will be reviewed. Blackboard will be used as a means to communicate
According the book
description of Multicultural Law Enforcement: Strategies for Peacekeeping in a Diverse Society,
“For courses in Multicultural Law Enforcement and Special Topics in Policing. MULTICULTURAL LAW ENFORCEMENT now in its
4th edition! This classic is used in criminal justice programs throughout North America - from universities and colleges to
police academies and professional development programs in law enforcement. This new edition provides culture specifics on
major ethnic and minority groups as well as cases, protocols, and guidelines to improve law enforcement within a diverse workforce
and society. Multicultural Law Enforcement, 4th Edition, with accompanying instructional tools, is a complete learning package
designed to assist all levels of criminal justice representatives in understanding the pervasive influences of culture, race,
and ethnicity in the workplace and in multicultural communities. The textbook's information and insights will undoubtedly
contribute to the increased professionalism required to address the complex diversity issues that affect law enforcement today.
This new edition has been updated and expanded to provide practical information and guidelines for law enforcement managers,
supervisors, officers, and instructors.”