The Role of Criminal Justice in Terrorism
Union Institute and University
CJM 304
(Classroom Version)
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Lieutenant Raymond E. Foster, LAPD (ret.), MPA
Course Description:
This course employs a criminal justice framework for the analysis and evaluation of terrorist groups and individuals, terrorist origins, goals, dynamics, ideologies and counterterrorism. The course will include a discussion of the task of defining terrorism, an exploration of the history and causes of terrorism (both internationally and domestically), the structure and organization of terrorist groups, an overview of the methods and weapons of terrorists, and public policies, strategies and approaches for combating and preventing terrorism.
Course Outcomes:
University Outcomes
the global community.
Major Outcomes
Course Specific Outcomes
Source Material:
(Two Text Books are used for this course)
Snowden, L. & Whitsel, B. (2005) Terrorism: Research, Readings and Realities. Prentice Hall
Poland, J. (2005) Understanding Terrorism: Groups, Strategies and Responses.
a copy of Terrorism: Research, Readings and Realities
a copy of understanding Terrorism: Groups, Strategies, and Responses (2nd Edition)
Expanded Descriptions of Assignments
There are no examinations in this course.
Group Project:
The group project involves an analysis of an active terrorist group. Using
the Country Reports on Terrorism and Patterns of Global Terrorism, United
States Department of State, 2006, your group should choose a designated
terrorist group for analysis. There are two parts to the final project.
First, your group must prepare a comprehensive written analysis of the group.
At a minimum, this 8-10 page report should address the group history,
structure, organization, current activities and major goals of the group.
Additionally, the report should consider counterterrorism policies, strategies
or tactics that are being or should be employed against the group; and, focus
on criminal justice responses to the group. In addition to the written
report, your group should prepare a 30 minute panel discussion on the group
you choose.
Individual Presentations:
Each learner will be assigned one of the following supplemental readings. The
learner is to digest the information and prepare a ten minute class
presentation and one-page briefing paper on the reading. The learner must
provide a copy of the briefing paper to each class member. These
articles can be accessed via the
Union Library here, or are available
directly on the web.
(Available via the Union Institute and University electronic library)
Ganor, B. (2002). Defining Terrorism: Is One Man's Terrorist another Man's
Freedom Fighter? Police Practice & Research, 3(4), p287.
Sunhauseen, U. (2004) Terrorism and America. Social Alternatives. 23(2), p6.
Laquer, W. (2004) World of Terror. National Geographic. 206(5), p72.
Larabee, A. (2003). A Brief History of Terrorism in the United States.
Knowledge, Technology & Policy, 16(1), p21.
Duff, R. (2005). Notes on Punishment and Terrorism. American Behavioral
Scientist, 48(6), p758.
Atran, S. (2003). Genesis of
Suicide Terrorism. Science, 299(5612), p1534.
Hoffman, B. (2003). The logic of suicide terrorism. Atlantic Monthly, 291(5)
Ciampi, D. (2005). Developmental and motivational factors of transnational
terrorists. The Forensic Examiner, 4(3), p29.
Salij, J. (2005). The Significance
of "Ineffective" Methods of Fighting Terrorism. American Behavioral Scientist,
48(6) p.700.
Thornburgh, D. (2005). Balancing civil liberties and homeland security: does
the USA patriot act avoid justice Robert H. Jackson's "suicide pact"? Albany
Law Review, 68(4) p801.
Gause, F. (2005). Can Democracy Stop Terrorism? Foreign Affairs, 84(5), p62.
Dolan, J. (2005). United States' narco-terrorism policy: a contingency
approach to the convergence of the wars on drugs and against terrorism. The
Review of Policy Research, 22(4), p451.
Light, J. (2004). Urban planning and defense planning, past and future.
Journal of the American Planning Association, 70(4), p399.
(Available via the Internet)
The Changing Faces of Terrorism
A Brief History of Terrorism
Terrorism in the United States
Defeating Terrorism: Strategic
Issue Analyses
Confronting the “Enemy Within” What
Can the United States Learn About Counterterrorism and Intelligence from Other
Countering Terrorism: Integration
of Practice and Theory
Interagency Domestic Terrorism
Concept of Operations Plan
Issue Papers
General Paper Instructions
At a minimum, it is expected that the
students will produce an academically sound and properly formatted work (APA
format is strongly encouraged). All work is evaluated on exposition as well
as composition. Superior work will incorporate independent research as well
as assigned and supplemental readings.
Paper One
Using the readings and your own research,
complete a 4-6 page paper. Explore the various definitions of terrorism.
What definition would you use? As you complete your paper, consider the
following questions: What are the strengths of your definition of terrorism?
What are the weaknesses? Is terrorism a military problem or a criminal
justice problem? How does your definition cover state terror, state
involvement in terror, state sponsorship of terror and stateless terrorist
groups? What, if any, theories on violence, particularly political violence
support your definition? How is your definition shaped by your own cultural,
political and social views?
Paper Two
Using the readings and your own research,
complete a 4-6 page analysis of how technology has changed terrorism.
Consider comparing and contrasting pre-1970 terrorism with post-1970
terrorism. How has technology changed the terrorist’s targets and methods?
How has technology changed their ability to transmit their messages to other
members and the public?
Within the university setting, learners are
expected to attend class on a regular basis, complete all readings and
assignments before the stated dates and participate in topic discussions to
enhance their overall learning experience. As participation is directly
related to attendance, and because of the abbreviated nature of the eight week
session, learners missing any class will not receive credit for participation.
Attendance will be recorded by a class roster that will be passed among the
learners during each class. It is the learner’s responsibility to sign the
Participation is ten percent of the learner’s
final grade. In addition to attendance, participation will also be measured
by the use of an online threaded discussion. Specific instructions regarding
the online forum will be presented during the course orientation and are
available on the course website.
Group Project
Paper One
Paper Two
Individual Presentation 10%
Semester Total
A 90-100%
B 80-89%
C 70-79%
U less than 70%
Final Deadline for all work
All course work is due at the start of class in the week indicated on
schedule. Absent prior permission, late assignments will be assessed a
penalty of one letter grade per week. For information concerning the
completion of course work beyond the last day of class refer to the UI&U
Ethical Conduct
Learners should be aware that there are
severe consequences for violations of academic ethical conduct. Primarily, we
are concerned with cheating and plagiarism. Learners who are determined to
have cheated or committed plagiarism will face disciplinary action as
identified within UI&U regulations. For additional clarification of cheating
and/or plagiarism, refer to the UI&U Catalog for policies regarding Academic
American with Disabilities
Act Compliance
Please refer to the Catalog for
policies regarding American Disabilities’ Act or
for further assistance regarding UI&U compliance with ADA.
© 2007 - 2008 Raymond E. Foster, Leadership in Hi Tech Criminal Justice